
i feel ugly today, lacking all beauty....

i feel ugly today. mostly because i was told i was. and that resonated in me, because its something that i struggle with feeling about myself anyways. i think if a stranger says something to you, it wont matter that much, but if it is someone very close it can feel like a dagger in your skin.

i shouldnt care what others think, but stupidly, i do, whether i want to or not, i truly care what others think of me.... and now thoughts are rushing through my head at a rate i cannot even control. you see i can find so much beauty in every person i meet, but i am reminded today that some will never see beauty in me.... and i know, God does and i know one day, i will stand in the beauty of his presence and it will reflect on me for all eternity and all the ugliness of this world will be washed away, but it still hurts me to hear those words and feel it in myself.

well thats all for now, over and out, im going home to bed.

-me (a slightly sad and pained version.)

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